La ciudad de los minotauros
La ciudad de los minotauros
By:Carol Zardetto
Published on 2016 by
Nueva York es benevolente. Basta entregarse. Abandonarse sin Resistencia a su corriente de movimiento perpetuo. Dejarse complacer por su oferta desaforada. En medio de su fulgor intenso, dejo de parecerme a m� mismo y eso... es el mejor amulet contra la muerte�. Nueva York, como toda mega ciudad, propicia y facilita. Es la gran meretriz que abre los apetitos. Un apartamento sin fronteras y una min�scula librer�a en East Village son los escenarios que proponen a Felipe dos caminos de descubrimiento: hacia una mujer insondable y hacia la historia de un ind�gena ixil cuya diferencia cultural lo desaf�a. En el laberinto de hallazgos, en los recovecos del deseo, �l encontrar� su propia salvaci�n... y una raz�n para volver a Guatemala. Narrada con pericia, Carol Zardetto nos propone una compleja novela con un toque cosmopolita y multicultural. Se trata de una historia de desamor impresionante, conmovedora y dura. De manera sorprendente, la Guatemala m�s profunda surge all�, en medio de la gran metr�polis, como una reflexi�n de lo que significa ser contempor�neo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION |New York is benevolent. It's enough to just surrender. Resign to its current of perpetual movement. Let yourself take pleasure in its boundless offer. In the middle of its intense glow, I stop seeming like myself, and that... is the best amulet against death.| New York, like all mega-cities, promotes and facilitates. It is the great prostitute who opens appetites. An apartment without borders and a miniscule bookstore in the East Village are the settings that offer Felipe two paths of discovery: toward an inscrutable woman and toward the history of an Ixil native whose cultural difference challenges him. In the labyrinth of discoveries, in the hidden corners of desire, he finds his own salvation... and a reason to return to Guatemala. Skillfully narrated, Carol Zardetto sets forth a complex novel with a cosmopolitan and multicultural touch. It is an impressive, moving, and difficult story of heartbreak. In a surprising way, the deepest side of Guatemala surfaces there, in the middle of the great metropolis, as a reflection of what it means to be contemporary.
This Book was ranked at 28 by Google Books for keyword Amulet.
Book ID of La ciudad de los minotauros's Books is pk_CjwEACAAJ, Book which was written byCarol Zardettohave ETAG "p5lPJdI3s4Y"
Book which was published by since 2016 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9786073143677 and ISBN 10 Code is 6073143672
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Book which have "350 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction
This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in es
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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